
As Someone Who's Seen Addiction Up Close, Your Help is Crucial

“Next Steps Today gave me more than just sobriety; it gave me a life I thought I’d lost forever. I found hope in the darkest corners of my journey.”

If you’ve witnessed the harrowing impact of addiction on someone close to you, you know the profound pain and helplessness it brings. You’ve seen bright futures dimmed and vibrant lives turned somber. At Next Steps Today, we understand this struggle deeply because we face it alongside individuals every day. 

Your experiences and insights make you an invaluable ally in this fight. Your empathy and understanding, shaped by what you’ve witnessed, can now become a powerful force for good. 

By supporting our mission, you offer more than just resources; you provide hope and a chance for recovery to those who are still fighting their battles. Together, let’s transform despair into hope and loss into recovery.

"This Program Changed My Life!"

Hear from Those Whose Lives Have Been Transformed at Next Steps Today

"I was on the verge of killing myself"

This isn’t just like any program, It’s a transformation process. This place will show you who you really are. 


"16 years of running & drugging"

Without a single question, undoubtedly the best decision I have ever made in my life. 


"My wife was going to divorce me"

It’s totally different than any other program. It will weed you out if you are not serious.


"Surpassing state averages by 30% in effectiveness, our program thrives on support from dedicated individuals like you. Your involvement is key to our continued success in making a meaningful impact"

Dear Friend,

I reach out to you with a deep understanding of the pain and struggle you’ve witnessed in someone close to you battling addiction. You’ve seen the devastating effects, the lost moments, and the dreams put on hold. Your experience in this battle is a testament to your strength and compassion.

At Next Steps Today, we’re committed to transforming the narrative of addiction. We believe in the power of community, support, and innovative approaches to foster lasting recovery. But this mission isn’t something we can accomplish alone. It needs the understanding, the empathy, and the support of people like you, who’ve seen firsthand the toll of addiction.

By joining our cause, your contribution will directly impact lives, providing hope and opportunity for recovery to those who are still struggling. Together, we can make a difference, one life at a time. Let’s unite in our shared vision of a world where addiction no longer steals away potential and joy.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Kyle Marsh
Founder, Next Steps Today

Every dollar you give writes a new story of recovery and hope

Your Gift, Their Lifeline: Donate to Make an Impact

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